Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, released the following statement on Justin Trudeau’s cover-up of Beijing’s interference:
“Justin Trudeau is lying when he accuses Conservatives of blocking consensus on a public inquiry into Beijing’s interference.
“First, and most obviously, he has the authority to call a public inquiry anytime he wants, so it is legally impossible for Conservatives to block it.
“Second, since June 10, nearly four weeks ago, when the Liberals finally claimed they would stop fighting a public inquiry, we began talks with all political parties. We told Trudeau’s Minister that we have names, terms, and timeframes that we are happy to share.
“This past Friday, June 30, the latest proposal for terms of reference was discussed. It was agreed that we would meet again early this week to confirm the final wording. Conservatives have been asking every day this week to meet to confirm an agreement but neither Dominic LeBlanc nor his office picked up the phone or answered an email in five days since Friday. They also have not provided the final text that was discussed.
“Then yesterday, Minister LeBlanc’s office provided proof the Prime Minister was lying. An email was sent from Minister LeBlanc’s office to the Conservative House Leader’s office asking us to wait longer for them, because they still do not have a response on whether to proceed with the inquiry parties discussed. Attached is a screenshot showing as much.
“Conservatives are sitting next to our phones waiting for the Prime Minister’s decision. Lying, delaying and blaming others won’t change that. He and only he has the power to call an inquiry. Let him do it today.”
Email from Minister LeBlanc’s office sent to a staff member in MP Scheer’s office.